import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Scanner; public class TT1522 { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in); int a = sc.nextInt(); for (int i = 0; i < a; i++) { int b = sc.nextInt(); int x = 0,y = 0,v = 0,l = 0; //创建地图 String[][] arr1 = new String[b][b]; for (int j = 0; j < b; j++) { String str1 = sc.next(); for (int k = 0; k < str1.length(); k++) { if ((str1.charAt(k) + "").equals("S")) { v = j; l = k; } arr1[j][k] = str1.charAt(k) + ""; } } int c = sc.nextInt(); List<String> list = new ArrayList<>(); //list集合用来接收Q发送的命令 for (int j = 0; j < c; j++) { x = v;y = l; //每组数据循环完之后要初始化curiosity的起始位置 String str2 = sc.next(); //用字符串接收当前这组的命令 // list = new ArrayList<String>(); //完成上一组命令后重置list集合准备接收下一组命令 //然后将这组命令添加到list集合中 for (int k = 0; k < str2.length(); k++) { list.add(str2.charAt(k) + ""); } int index = 0; //index用来记录完成命令后是否到达了终点 for (int k = 0; k < list.size(); k++) { index++; if (list.get(k).equals("U")) { x--; //因为数组是已[x][y]记录的,所以往上走是x-- try { if (arr1[x][y].equals("#")) { System.out.println("I am dizzy!"); list.clear(); //碰到障碍物之后需要清空list集合,不然下一层for循环会继续接收list元素的下一条命令 //也是当前list结束的条件 } else if (arr1[x][y].equals("T")) { System.out.println("I get there!"); list.clear(); //到达终点后也是同理 } else if (index == list.size() && (arr1[x][y].equals(".") || arr1[x][y].equals("S"))) { System.out.println("I have no idea!"); list.clear(); //index == list.size()表示指令已经接收完毕但是没有碰到障碍物或者没有达到终点 //此时curiosity所处的位置可能为"."或者"S" } } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { System.out.println("I am out!"); list.clear(); //用try catch IndexOutOfBoundsException处理越界的异常 } //以下代码皆为同理 } else if (list.get(k).equals("D")) { x++; //因为数组是已[x][y]记录的,所以往下走是x++ try { if (arr1[x][y].equals("#")) { System.out.println("I am dizzy!"); list.clear(); } else if (arr1[x][y].equals("T")) { System.out.println("I get there!"); list.clear(); } else if (index == list.size() && arr1[x][y].equals(".")) { System.out.println("I have no idea!"); list.clear(); } } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { System.out.println("I am out!"); list.clear(); } } else if (list.get(k).equals("L")) { y--; //因为数组是已[x][y]记录的,所以往左走是y-- try { if (arr1[x][y].equals("#")) { System.out.println("I am dizzy!"); list.clear(); } else if (arr1[x][y].equals("T")) { System.out.println("I get there!"); list.clear(); } else if (index == list.size() && (arr1[x][y].equals(".") || arr1[x][y].equals("S"))) { System.out.println("I have no idea!"); list.clear(); } } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { System.out.println("I am out!"); list.clear(); } } else { y++; //因为数组是已[x][y]记录的,所以往上走是y++ try { if (arr1[x][y].equals("#")) { System.out.println("I am dizzy!"); list.clear(); } else if (arr1[x][y].equals("T")) { System.out.println("I get there!"); list.clear(); } else if (index == list.size() && (arr1[x][y].equals(".") || arr1[x][y].equals("S"))) { System.out.println("I have no idea!"); list.clear(); } } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { System.out.println("I am out!"); list.clear(); } } } } } } }
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