# 暴力回溯+剪枝 def dfs(position, r_c, pas): global ans if position == (n - 1, n - 1):#到达右下角退出 if r_c[0] == c_count and r_c[1] == r_count: ans = pas.copy() # 此处必须用copy,否则会返回0,我估计是python将pas回溯到了输入时的状态,赋值只赋值了一个引用 return else: for each in directions:#遍历上左右的走法 dx = position[0] + each[0] dy = position[1] + each[1] if 0 <= dx < n and 0 <= dy < n and not matrix[dx][dy]: r_c[0][dy] += 1 #将对应行和列的经过次数+1 r_c[1][dx] += 1 if r_c[0][dy] > c_count[dy] or r_c[1][dx] > r_count[dx]: # 若大于要求的次数就直接跳过,进行下一个方向 r_c[0][dy] -= 1 r_c[1][dx] -= 1 continue matrix[dx][dy] = 1 pas.append((dx, dy)) # 经过哪些坐标 dfs((dx, dy), r_c, pas) r_c[0][dy] -= 1 r_c[1][dx] -= 1 matrix[dx][dy] = 0 pas.pop() n = int(input().strip()) c_count = list(map(int, input().strip().split())) r_count = list(map(int, input().strip().split())) ans = [] matrix = [[0 for _ in range(n)] for _ in range(n)] # 是否走过坐标 directions = [(0, 1), (0, -1), (1, 0), (-1, 0)] r_c = [[0 for _ in range(n)] for _ in range(2)] # 行和列的经过的次数 r_c[0][0] += 1 # 经过(0,0) r_c[1][0] += 1 dfs((0, 0), r_c, [(0, 0)]) for each in ans: print(each[0] * n + each[1], end = " ")
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